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Dirty Little Words

Apr 27, 2021
Dear Friend,
I want to ask you some important questions. Because I want the very best for you, and I know that you want that too...
Do you tell yourself that you are not being or doing enough?
Do you tell yourself that you are not doing 'it' the way that you are supposed to be?
Do you tell yourself that you should be doing something you're not?
If so, my wish for you would be that you ask yourself the following questions, and ask them like you really mean them, because I certainly do for you:
How would you know if you were enough? What does that mean?
Who decides which way is the 'supposed to' way? Isn't it you?
Who says what you should or shouldn't be doing?
What if 'should' just wasn't even a thing? Because it's really not. Mostly 'should' seems to exist in order to make ourselves feel like crap. So, what if you just decided to take the word 'should' out of your vocabulary? Along with 'supposed to' and 'not enough'?
What would be the downside of that?
Would that mean you never strive to grow or to reach goals or to become the best version of you that you can?
No, not at all. In fact, I would argue that it would make all of those things far more likely and the process of getting there a much more fun and joyful one.
✨What do you say? Are you willing to cut those words out of your vocabulary? Maybe just for one day to start, and see how it goes from there?❤
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