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Goal-setting: What you might be missing

goals inspiration Feb 03, 2021

Let's talk about setting goals, shall we?

What I want to share with you today about goal-setting is this: sometimes we can inadvertently undermine our efforts by setting our goals too small. This may seem counterintuitive. Let me explain...

It seems reasonable to suppose that setting a relatively 'small' goal makes it more likely that we will believe that we can achieve it and thus that ultimately we will achieve it. And in some cases, this might be true.

However, there is more to this story…

What I would like for you to consider is this--when we set little goals, we may also feel little (or no) excitement about the notion of achieving them. We thus deprive ourselves the benefit of the energy that comes from thinking big, imagining big, and going for big.

The excitement we feel when we imagine ourselves achieving a big, somewhat out-of-reach goal is invaluable fuel that can energize us to make the moves we might otherwise not.

And while it is true that we must break any big goal down into its sequential, actionable, steps--which will themselves be relatively small--I believe that we benefit so much by setting those big goals,  the ones that make us feel just a bit (or a lot) giddy when we think about them.

Have you set a goal recently that makes YOU feel a bit (or a lot) giddy when you think about it?❤


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